Events Calendar
10/08/2013 00:00ATMONAUTI PRO 9
10-8-13 > 18-8-13 @ Fly Zone Fermo (Italy)
The event of the year for all the world Atmosphere Navigators !
2 Airplanes
Atmonauti boogie style ... soon more details
ATMONAUTI PRO 9, is the boogie of the year for the experts atmonauti of the world with Marco Tiezzi load organizing every load. From 10 to 18 August, FZ Fermo will host the venue on the beautiful scenary of the Italian Adriatic coast and countyside , with 2 PILATUS as flying fleet.Formation load from 2 planes , flights in contact and no contact, training different shapes of formation, feet first formations, smokes airshows, first load at 5,000 meters and landing on the beach, daily video editing and night view on maxiscreen, dinner all together at "Fuori Zona" FZ restaurant, music group and party evenings .
SUMMER BOOGIE @ Fly Zone Fermo Italy
03/08/2013 00:00
SUMMER BOOGIE @ Fly Zone Fermo Italy
3-8-13 > 1-9-13
All month long Boogie !!!
Atmonauti style boogie all month long with load organizing atmonauti e freefly for all level.
Atmonauti and FreFly Load Organizing
All evening big screen with daily flights
All day first load 5.000 mt with beach landing
Atmonauti Pro 9 with 2 Airplane ! from 10 to 18 August
BRIDGE BOOGIE @ Fly Zone Fermo Italy
25/04/2013 00:00BRIDGE BOOGIE @ Fly Zone Fermo Italy
25-4-13 > 1-5-13
Atmonauti and FreeFly Load Organizing with Marco Tiezzi
Atmonauti boogie style with all the atmoanuti games and flights tipologies : contact formations , no-contact formations, different speeds and different angles , feet first , side fly , atmo relative work game, mix atmo/vertical flights , moving formations ... and vertical FreeFly too
Easter Boogie - GoJump Europe - Spain
26/03/2013 00:00EASTER BOOGIE in Spain with Marco Tiezzi
26-3-13 > 1-4-13
Villamartin (Siviglia - Spain)
Atmonauti and FreeFly Load Organizing with Marco Tiezzi
AWR - Atmonauti World Record - Dubai 12/12
29/12/2012 00:00
AWR - Atmonauti World Record
From 29 December 2012 to 5 January 2013 at SKYDIVE DUBAI
H12 - Halloween Boogie 2012
31/10/2012 00:00
H12 - Halloween Boogie 2012 @ FZ Fermo (Italy)
From 31 October to 4 November Atmonauti style boogie with Atmonauti e Frreefly load organizing for all level , with the 5th Training session for the Atmonauti World Record at Dubai 12/12
Equinox Boogie
20/10/2012 00:00From 20 to 28 October , Marco Tiezzi will be Atmonauti and Freefly load organizer at Skydive Ramblers (Toogoolawah - Australia ) in the world famous Equinox boogie, with flyers from all over the world.
During the event, the selections and training for the Atmonauti World Record AWR at Dubai 12/12 .
event : Equinox 2012
DZ web site : Skydive Ramblers
Gransee Atmonauti Boogie part.2
08/09/2012 00:008 - 9 September 2012 - For the 7 consecutive years , Atmoanuti over Berlin - part 2
AP8 - Atmonauti Pro 8
11/08/2012 00:00 AP8 - Atmonauti Pro 8 @ FZ Fermo (Italy)
From 11 to 19 August a great event with the Skyvan for big ways and for the 4th Training session for the Atmonauti World Record at Dubai 12/12
Now in its eighth edition, the ATMONAUTI PRO, is the boogie of the year for the experts atmonauti of the world with Marco Tiezzi load organizing every load.
From 11 to 19 August, FZ Fermo will host the venue on the beautiful scenary of the Italian Adriatic coast and countyside , with SKYVAN and PILATUS as flying fleet.
Formation load from 2 planes training for the upcoming World Record of Dubai, flights in contact and no contact, training different shapes of formation, feet first formations, smokes airshows, first load at 5,000 meters and landing on the beach, daily video editing and night view on maxiscreen, dinner all together at "Fuori Zona" FZ restaurant, music group and party evenings .
S12 - Summer Boogie 2012
04/08/2012 00:00
S12 - Summer Boogie 2012 @ FZ Fermo (Italy)
From 4 August to 2 September 2012 - Atmonauti style boogie all month long with load organizing atmonauti e freefly for all level.
In the event also the Atmonauti Pro 8 (11-19/8) with the 4th session training for the Atmonauti World Record at Dubai 12/12
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