The technique Atmonauti introduced in Skydiving in 2000 rivolutionated freefall known since then, introducing a new concept of using the human body like a wing contour that is able to have a fly performance. In pratic the body is used like an airplane whose engine is constitude by the angle ; the combination between speed optained , the angle and the different forms that can assume the body , confer the possibility of "piloting" and fly with extreme control and precision : to navigate the atmoaphere.
In this table are indicated the angles of the atmonaut fly , respect the other jumps of movement known since that, which the track and the flock ; the first realized "flat" in line with the horizon (about 0° - 10°) deflecting the air flow coming from below , and the other starting from a vertical position (about 89° - 60°) , in pratic the atmonaut fly is placed between those two tipologies , with angles from about 15° to 45° and with an air flow comig from forward and slide on the body from the head to the feet , creating LIFT

But much more than the angles, the whole difference is in the technique that is utilized to control with extreme precision the flight. Infact differently to the track where the regolation are made with all the body that lean against the air flow , in atmonauti the regolation are more similar to the technique used in head down (see table A04/04) : the line head-feet is always straight and is "trimmed" more or less for the regolation of the angle of flight ; the speed is regolate conferring to the body a form more or less open : more close for higher speed , and more open for lower speed. This regolation is made basicly with the legs so that the arms and hands are free for games and grip. The line head-feet constitute also the direction, that is regolate starting from the head that gives the direction as the starting point of the saying line.
The rules are exactly the same for the atmonaut fly both in "front" that in "back".

The table A02/04 rappresent the dinamic development of the atmonaut fly , showing the diagonal trajectory and the conseguence horizontal movement , also the time of flight that increase of 50% respect the time in the normal verical jumps.
The particularity is that, thanks to the technique atmonauti , during this time is possibile to execute the same complex game that are performed in vertical such as:
- flight formation with and without grip
- performance of free style
- performance of free fly
Seen the considerable horizontal displacement of the atmonauti flights , is good rule:
- program and keep a precise direction
- for deciding the direction take in consideration the wind (from 800 meters to the ground)
- open the canopy higher than usual to be able to get back easily in drop-zone
- verify how many and which group on the same load are making movement jumps to be able to program the direction to take
- ask the pilot about the dropping axe
The Atmonaut fly introduce a series of problematics and questions that in the normal jumps are not necessary to take into consderation. For this the correct formation of an atmonauta is close to a "pilot" 's one , that has to forecast and calculate with precision all the parameters necessary to perform an own flight in safety conditions (flight plan).
The DIRECTION is the parameter more important to calculate and to respect during the flight. : in be angled and with the head down , you will not watch in the direction of the fly ( as happen in tracking ), but in the opposit way, with possible problems of orientation especially the first time, and especially when we insert manoeuvres or games for which is easy also to distract.
For this main reason, every Atmonauti flight need to have a "NAVIGATOR". He fly in "front", keeping the direction that was decided in the ground, and regulate the angles of flight. All the others atmonauts both in front and in back , fly regulating the direction and the angle equal to the navigator and above all at the same head level (see table A03/04) . He is responsable of the direction for all the other atmonauts that fly with him : on the ground is decided the direction, the exit from the plane, the formation flight and the separation; in flight he set the angle, the speed, the direction and signals the end of work and the conseguence separation.

The table A03/04 rappresent a flight formation with the atmonauts in front and in back. As it is for all the others disciplines, is fundamental fly at the same "level", which means on the same plan, as basic condition necessary to start a kind of work called "relative" as in relation with others.
But while in the vertical disciplines such level is clearly rappresented from the horizon line that offers a clear visual reference to which compere, in the atmonaut fly it doesn't exist, make more difficult the initial set-up. In atmonauti fly the level is rappresented by an hypothetical line traced 90° respect the line of the trajectory of the navigator. Is on this line that the head of the atmonauti in formation will have to regolate:
-back atmonaut more back respect the the navigator
-front atmonaut more forward respect the navigator
Such configuration set also the "NO FLIGHT ZONE" to respect absolutely for evitate to recieve or create turbolence on the air flow for the other atmonauts.
If an atmonaut on the back gets in the "no flight zone", he will create turbolences for the atmonaut above him. For instance if an atmonaut who flies in front , remain more back rispect the level of the navigator , he will take the turbolence and the depression of the atmonaut below.
The conseguence of the turbolence and of the depression is the temporary loss of control of flight , for this for a constant configuration of the formation , is necessary to rispect those no flight zones. Those regulations of the level, must be as more precise, as more numerous and closer is the formaion we want to obtain.
The exact regulation of the level, permits of remain one on top of the other extremely close, without the above atmonaut falls on the one below. Be an atmonaut means know how to control with millimetric precision, the own position, the speed and the angle to be able to fly perfectly syncronized with the formation , and get inside it interactevely for example with a grip ... like the planes when does the refuel in flight.

A correct atmonaut flight, consist in create a trajectory (as a result of a precise combination of angle and speed) , in order to obtain a relative flux on the body as indicated in the table A04/04 . The atmonaut must alsways have that flux from the head to the feet. Differently he will stall his own wing.
More is the speed, less can be the angle of fly (up to 10°) increasing the "angle of attack", without losing that air stream on the body !
In effect with these conditions , the body act exactly as a wing , obtaining LIFT and a conseguence real "PERFORMANCE OF FLIGHT" !
The atmonautic manual , in preparation , will contain all the diagram and the technical explainations of these revolutionary concepts.
Never like with Atmonaut, the term "HUMAN FLIGHT" has been so close in having a meaning so concrete and objective !
Be carefull with the "STALL"
An angle always more flat which has not in corrispondance an increse of speed , will result in losing the above mentioned air stream on the body, causing the stall, and arriving in having on the body an air stream like the one of the "traditional track" (see tabe)
In the track, infact, the horizontal movement is caused by the impact and deflection of the air on the "rigid and tight" body, which will not allow any other possibility of movement without losing speed, and wich will not allow flying grips and constant precision.
In the atmonaut fly , for instance, is the angle that constitutes the engine of horizontal advancement, letting the body to relax and move more free without compromizing the costance of the fly.
For this reason with this revolutionary technique has been possible perform complex manouevre of free style and acrobatic free fly manouevre never seen before.
Last and final confirm of the above diagramm comes from the atmonaut fly feet first , thing not possible in track !
Technique : Orientations
FRONT Orientation
BACK Orientation
SIDE Orientation
FEET FIRST Orientation - both face down an face up (as in this sketch)